

最近看了一部好电影- “Dear John” 。故事诉说着美国式的爱情故事,一个美国大兵因为常年驻守外地而与女朋友分开,就算是分隔两地,还是互向通信。虽然他们只是认识短短两个星期,但是已经深爱对方。。但是女朋友禁不起常年无止境的等待,和他人结婚。。。最后,故事曲折,有情人终成眷属!


- Everything around me make me miss you.
- It is a full moon here tonight, which make me think of you. Because i know that no matter what i am doing, where i am, this moon will always same as side as yours, half the globe away.
- Dear John, most of the night i fall asleep worrying about you, wondering where you will be out there, not tonight. Tonight you are here with me.
- I miss you so much. It hurt!


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